Hello all you graphic designers out there. I am having a contest for the entire month of April to find the perfect logo for my photography business. Please send a small version of your design to cherrybazaar@comcast.net. I will give feedback and post your design on my blog. The winning design will receive a free portrait session, with no limit on amount of people, hours, or outfit changes. You will receive all your photos on a high resolution CD. In addition you will be credited on my blog (cherrybazaar.blogspot.com) and my up and coming website with a direct link to your site if at all possible. All who are interested listen up. The design must be a psd. file or developed in illustrator, also I need it to be 300 dpi and large enough to put on my car window. I am looking for something with a vintage feel. I have been playing with the idea of turquoise and red or pink and black? I really like the work of Jenn Culp (designbyjenn.com). For any questions, please contact me ...