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Family Feud

For all those people out there who recently caught my stunt on Family Feud I thought I might explain myself. Last year my family (mom Burnadette, sister Bridget, sister Kimberly, and brother Nicolas) and I appeared on Family Feud. We won 2 games and were on three episodes. The process of getting on the show was in depth. Almost 2 years ago we drove down to L.A. and auditioned. The did a mock round and scored us based on energy, and basic knowledge of the game. It is very important that you are entertaining to watch, they aren't concerned with right answers. If any of you know my family, you know we are anything but dull and boring. Needless to say we got an A+ and were the only family they paid gas and hotel to come from out of town.

We had two week notice when they called and asked if we could come down to film. This was very difficult, because you must have the same 5 people that were at the audition process, so we all had to re-arrange our schedules. You only get invited twice to be on. If you can't make it for either, you have to do the audition process all over again.
On the day of filming we all had to do a dress rehearsal to make sure no one froze up in front of the cameras. It was quite stressful because they didn't tell you if you were for sure going to make it on the show, we had to be in the audience clapping our hands of till we got called up. When we were the second family called up we were all relieved, not only that we didn't waste a trip to L.A. but, also we couldn't possibly clap any more. Being in the audience is hard. They make you smile constantly , clap at everything, and give you cues to say "
awww" when someone gets a wrong answer. You can even be removed from the audience if you are talking or not clapping.

That brings me to the clothing we had to wear. They had a strict dress code, if you showed up in wrong clothes, you didn't get to go on. As you probably noticed we all wore the same clothes on all three episodes. We shot all three episodes in a row, and were not allowed to change. When we finally lost the third game we were all kinda glad, because it was tiring saying "Good Answer" for three shows in a row.

You have 3 seconds to answer. The producer said not to let the buzzer go off, but, to give an answer even if it is stupid, because it makes better television than watching a deer stuck in headlights. We all decided before going on to come up with a back up word, in case we blanked on a question. I knew I froze under pressure so I came up with Mullet. I wanted my word to be funny and unrelated to any subject so no one would take it as a serious answer. My brother picked Bambi, and Bridget picked Donuts. On the second episode the unthinkable took place. We were asked " Name something you wonder about your ex" all the good answers were on the board and I was struggling to come up with some thing. Finally I got it, does he still think about me! Unfortunately Bridget who was right before me took my answer. My turn, John Hurley asked the dreaded question and I froze. I heard the producer say "3 seconds!" and knew I had to say something quick. So I spewed mullet. Much of what happens during the show gets edited. So as not to make the host of the show look stupid they edited out the part where John responds pointing to the board, "Is he a mullet?" No John it is a hair style not an object,
lol! I should also mention that you will notice occasionally the judges accept an answer that is close to that on the board. That will do you no good if the judges do not understand what you mean! On one question we were asked "Name something your husband does in the bathroom that you appreciate". Well in my household if you planned on stinking up the bathroom, you lit a match. So I said "I wish he would light a match'. The audience all laughed and if you are a fan of So I Married an Axe Murderer, you would find it funny also. I was surprised to get the red x, but, even more surprised to find that my answer was up there when they were revealed at the end of the round! Spray some air freshener was the last answer on the board, but, winning the fast money more than made up for any disappointment.

My family and I had such a blast. We hope to do The Price is Right soon. This isn't the last you'll see of the
Farinha Family!


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